There is nothing subtle about Amerie's changes, although she denies having a nose job it is quite obvious that rhinoplasty has refined and beautified her face. Amerie's rhinoplasty has been speculated in the past but no one ever brings up her lighter, whiter complexion. Maybe it's because she is half asian people assume she would be a lighter color, but just because you are mixed doesn't mean you come out in the middle, or a lighter complextion. She probably wants to play up her asian side more, but pictures, and videos don't lie. Check out her first video, "why don't we fall in love" and decide for yourself.
The changes are blatant from her noise to skin color but they are all for good. Compare to her before photo she looks more beautiful now or should I see much better than the old one. This is the wonder of modern science and I don't see problem with this changes as long as the result is positive. And if had doubt about Rhinoplasty Los Angeles is the best place to visit. All your beauty needs will be on this stop, the surgeons are great as well as their services.
When you say "better" I guess you mean whiter aka less Black/Asian right? This is sad and disgusting...
I couldnt see the video. The nose Job is obvious from pictures though! But the skin thing I beg to differ. I'm half black half arab and although in the summer I can get browner than anything (I used to be really dark) but recently I noticed I'm a heck of a lot lighter, mostly cos I cant take the sun and dont like sweating so i dont tan. If you compared pictures, you'd say I used a lightening cream, but of course I cant say she hasnt, I'm just sharing another possibility :)
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